Ugh..Today was one of those days..
I had to rush my blardy assignment that is due
tomorrow..the dammm computer had to like shut down for
4 freaking times before listening to me!Ugh..I felt
like hitting the computer into pieces..I kept banging the table
cos I was indescribably angry...Thank God I saved my work
like every 15 minutes..Amen to that!

Today was an icy cold day..hated it..but I gotta look at it this way..It can be warm everyday..there must be balance..right?
Anyway..thank god i finished it..all I have to do is my presentation slides..
hehehehe...but the thought of presenting in front of sooo many lecturers freaks me out..Oh ya..I officially got a real proper job..not gonna say where first..will just
see how it goes..Am sooo starting on the 16th..and I can dress up for this loves to dress up...I'm just in one of those emo modes today..tearing up for unexplainable reasons..usual me..but come to think of it..memories of those rainbow sugar bedded cotton candy sometimes diverts the attention.

You'll be seeing a lot of me once Padma's assignment is over bloggy woggy..