My bitchiest auntie is getting married to a man that she says look like george clooney but in actual fact looks like your average mamak guy..but..he's rich..=_='
..that money-iser woman...tsk tsk tsk....
I never really hated her..i kinda liked her anyways...untill....
I lost my grandmother before chinese new year, and my bitchy auntie
trying to show how "EMOTIONALLY HURTED" when in actual fact she told my mom
via sms to "LEAVE MOTHER IN THE HOSPITAL AS LONG AS YOU STILL CAN. HER TIME IS UP ALREADY.." yes of course she says that..cause she conned my grandma into signing over the house, property and jewelry over to her while my grandmother was under the influence of medication..(till my grandma died, she still believed the house was under her name+she wanted to give the house to my oldest uncle's son because my oldest uncle passed away..)WHAT A BLOODY CONNIVING B&*^H!
She even tried to save up on the funeral..via cremation which my grandmother has specifically told her and my granddad that "popo"(grandma) wanted a see..she was admitted to the hospital for over a week and through out the time we were accompanying her..she mentioned several times that she wanted to be buried..she's afraid of fire..thank god..we fought hard enough for granddaddy to agree with us..(small auntie listens well to granddaddy cos..1.he's sober..2.super dam rich..)My mom and small auntie has not spoken ever since po-po's death because we felt the fakeness in her..i can tell you..i do sympathise with her because she has no idea tha what goes around comes around..the way she treated popo was big auntie is also a biatch...
I realized all they can see is money..popo was in and out of the hospital so many times..but the ones who really took care of her was my god mother..(3rd auntie) and my mom..and the only grandchildren who looked after her were the three of us(my sisters and i)..I sometimes wonder..during her younger days..she Looked after 5 children and a husband (who used to abuse her) and as a grandmother..she has 11 grandchildren..and she looked after us very well..but when she fell one would even look after her..she was like superwoman..i just don't understand why some people don't have any compassion..kindness and love.Furthermore, to think that when popo had all her money intact with her..everytime she was ill she was sent to a private hospital...once my auntie took was a government hopsital..those you pay RM1.00 a day!

Ps: She always reminded me of ursulla..a fat witch who thinks she is hot!
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