Sunday, October 18, 2009

A new step.

Let's say..i had a relapse..but i didn't give up..
I'm still going strong..
I started something new. Badminton. After 6 years.
You see..i barely exercise..ask me to take jog..i'll walk
and sit every 5 minutes..ask me to go to the gym..i'll stay in
the steam room for an hour..ask me to dance..i'll go for a dance
or two and forget the rest..ask me to do yoga..and you'll find me asleep
in less than 5..I know it's factual that i am lazy..i don't have much determination..especially when it comes to exercising alone.But...
It was a good feeling to really sweat it out..I exercised my laughter..'cause it was hilarious and my body..
I fell a zillion legs were wobbly cause i played from 10.30
to 1.00 with only a 1 minute break for water every hour.
My arms are aching as i'm typing..i'm legs hurt from cramp..
silly ol' me didn't do any warm up since the last time i excercised (besides
shopping) was last year. Shoulders..well..needless to lsay..aching..the thighs..
must i say more..hmmm..I hate the way my body feels now..but..i love it too..
it hurts..but it tells me something..

If i fail today,try again tomorrow,
but don't give up..and that's a rule.

and i want to add something else to this rule of mine..

because one day, you know you'll succeed.

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