I'm just a simple person with simple problems that needs simple things to make me simply happy like every other simple people..
Sunday, January 31, 2010
boring talk that pissed me off!
I went for this talk last week by dr.chuah guat eng..OMG..the worst few hours of my time..This lady was supposed to be talking about feature writing,ethics and writing for media..but she ended up talking about political,religion and journalism issues. There was a part where she says Mahathir was so unright when he spoke about the malays commiting the most incest because what he does not know is that chinese commits more incest and don't report it because of face value.Well..too bad for her statistics shows that Malays does commit more incest and does she even have proof that chinese commits more?And she was also really bias about the whole church burning incident,condemning the Malays for being close minded and bla bla bla not knowing that it was a sensitive issue,but she happily gave her point of view.OMG!She was also extremely judgemental when it ca,e to talking about journalists and story writer!Oh god..she kept making it seem that story writers are good while journalists and copy writers are unethical..bla bla bla..Basically i didin't learn anything except,writers are people with unresolved issues.They write because they've got ununresolved issues..Well..i personally feel that she she is one woman with way too many unresolved issues and she needs to gget her head examined befofore going forr another talk. Overall the talk is full of crap except for the part where i know she is a phd holder..and it suprises me that even a person with such high education can turn out real wacky...A paper is just a paper..and the end of the day..it's a person's attitude and what he or she has inside that matters..and i'm pretty sure she has nothing inside her..no wonder her sinlings don't allow her to talk ..!=p
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
What seperates the men and the boys, and what brings them together.
There are two type of boys in the world,
One who tries too hard to be a man,
And the other who tries too hard not trying at all..
Boys are those of great dilemma,
They find women complicated not knowing we want the simplest things,
They trouble themselves to understand women when the answers are right in front,
Boys are those with no head to think,
They try to pick up a girl with cheesy lines that's posted all over the internet,
Only because they are too dumb to get new ideas,
Boys are those who can't separate priorities from interest,
As they do as they like not knowing the consequences,
Boys are quitters that's why they will never succeed.
Men on the other hand,
Don't have to try at all or even try not to try,
Because they have it all,
They understand women like they're a book or something,
They don't go through the trouble because the answers are right
in front of their faces,
Men think with their heads,
That's why they can handle the fiercest woman,
Men on the other hand don't need cheesy lines,
Because they know where to touch a woman's heart,
For some girls,
All they have to do is flash those credit cards, a BMW or maybe jingle a diamond bracelet or a necklace or something. That's definitely not forever.
For others,
They'd have to dig their heart out,
Prove through rain or sun..bla bla bla..
Maybe there's forever there.
So These are what separate men from boys,
But one thing that brings them together,
Well almost all of them are of same spots,
And clearly a leopard never changes it's spots,
It's their ****.
Men and boys think that IT can think,
Not knowing the only brain in our body is up there in our head,
When IT awakes,
That's it!
It doesn't matter how much love, hardship or crap,
It all ends up the same.
Pleasure then worry.
There you go,
Men and boys are different in every way,
Every way except one.
And that ONE makes them seem all the same.
I may sound like a feminist..
But I'm just stating the truth..
And this post does not in anyways
mean that girls are angels.
One who tries too hard to be a man,
And the other who tries too hard not trying at all..
Boys are those of great dilemma,
They find women complicated not knowing we want the simplest things,
They trouble themselves to understand women when the answers are right in front,
Boys are those with no head to think,
They try to pick up a girl with cheesy lines that's posted all over the internet,
Only because they are too dumb to get new ideas,
Boys are those who can't separate priorities from interest,
As they do as they like not knowing the consequences,
Boys are quitters that's why they will never succeed.
Men on the other hand,
Don't have to try at all or even try not to try,
Because they have it all,
They understand women like they're a book or something,
They don't go through the trouble because the answers are right
in front of their faces,
Men think with their heads,
That's why they can handle the fiercest woman,
Men on the other hand don't need cheesy lines,
Because they know where to touch a woman's heart,
For some girls,
All they have to do is flash those credit cards, a BMW or maybe jingle a diamond bracelet or a necklace or something. That's definitely not forever.
For others,
They'd have to dig their heart out,
Prove through rain or sun..bla bla bla..
Maybe there's forever there.
So These are what separate men from boys,
But one thing that brings them together,
Well almost all of them are of same spots,
And clearly a leopard never changes it's spots,
It's their ****.
Men and boys think that IT can think,
Not knowing the only brain in our body is up there in our head,
When IT awakes,
That's it!
It doesn't matter how much love, hardship or crap,
It all ends up the same.
Pleasure then worry.
There you go,
Men and boys are different in every way,
Every way except one.
And that ONE makes them seem all the same.
I may sound like a feminist..
But I'm just stating the truth..
And this post does not in anyways
mean that girls are angels.

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Temper,never my best friend.
A person's temper can be very destructive,thus it ends up being our worst enemy.
I have a very bad one..short and destructive,
It's like an out of control machine gun..
Killing so many people..
And later live to regret..
It's worst than that crazy lecturer who fails u for no apparent reason..
Or that dumbass who steals your work,
Or that son of a cow who steps all over you..
Or that back stabbing bitch,
Or that snoozy boss,
Or even that asshole ex,
It's destructive and it hurts everyone u love.
including urself....and one day you may find yourself alone..
I need to get rid...of it..before it happens..
Before i start hurting the ones i love.
I have a very bad one..short and destructive,
It's like an out of control machine gun..
Killing so many people..
And later live to regret..
It's worst than that crazy lecturer who fails u for no apparent reason..
Or that dumbass who steals your work,
Or that son of a cow who steps all over you..
Or that back stabbing bitch,
Or that snoozy boss,
Or even that asshole ex,
It's destructive and it hurts everyone u love.
including urself....and one day you may find yourself alone..
I need to get rid...of it..before it happens..
Before i start hurting the ones i love.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
When boredom strikes again part 2
WEll well..hear i am..super bored again...got up really early..9 today...
and every other day..only earlier when i have classes..tsk tsk..My
morning is like a daily routine..I wake up and I'm hooked on the net.
Looking at last years post..I was hooked on Barn Buddy, Animal Ranch and Pet society..
Swts...This year..I'm hooked on cafe world and miss bimbo..I guess when you're really bored you tend to play almost anything and when you find something new, you forget about the old stuffs..Human nature i guess...*sighs*
Anyways my new found excitements...
Cafe world cos there was competition but now it's kindda slowing down and Miss bimbo..it's kindda like your Barbie Doll online..=p

and every other day..only earlier when i have classes..tsk tsk..My
morning is like a daily routine..I wake up and I'm hooked on the net.
Looking at last years post..I was hooked on Barn Buddy, Animal Ranch and Pet society..
Swts...This year..I'm hooked on cafe world and miss bimbo..I guess when you're really bored you tend to play almost anything and when you find something new, you forget about the old stuffs..Human nature i guess...*sighs*
Anyways my new found excitements...
Cafe world cos there was competition but now it's kindda slowing down and Miss bimbo..it's kindda like your Barbie Doll online..=p

Monday, January 18, 2010
I'm bored in class right now so what do i do?
Blog..Christie's busy sms-ing her piggy while Kenneth is there decorating a house i just drew..LOL..
So my topic for today..Obsessed.
I walked into college and see mountains of girls with thick make up on their faces..thick layers of foundation that you can no longer see their true face,fake bulu's to the extend that you can't tell if they have real lashes..eye shadows so dark,you can no longer see the existence of their eyes.
Make up is ok,but it also depends on where they go..moderation is the best. I knew people who used to splatter make up so thick that you can no longer tell how they really look..
I guess..some people are obsessed with make up that leaving the house with a naked face is a criminal offense to them. i do admit that i love make up too,but moderation comes best.Make up makes everyone look better but what's the point of looking beautiful, when your insides are rotten?
Blog..Christie's busy sms-ing her piggy while Kenneth is there decorating a house i just drew..LOL..
So my topic for today..Obsessed.
I walked into college and see mountains of girls with thick make up on their faces..thick layers of foundation that you can no longer see their true face,fake bulu's to the extend that you can't tell if they have real lashes..eye shadows so dark,you can no longer see the existence of their eyes.
Make up is ok,but it also depends on where they go..moderation is the best. I knew people who used to splatter make up so thick that you can no longer tell how they really look..
I guess..some people are obsessed with make up that leaving the house with a naked face is a criminal offense to them. i do admit that i love make up too,but moderation comes best.Make up makes everyone look better but what's the point of looking beautiful, when your insides are rotten?
Sunday, January 10, 2010
I ♥ Banana
I know this statement would make most people wonder..
"which banana am i talking about." LoL..
However, i'm talking about the real banana and not the one sticking in between
the two balls of man which hangs heavily/lightly between their legs, I'm no nympho
to be loving that banana..hehe..
I ♥ Bananas
and i'm talking about THE REAL BANANA FRUIT, a.k.a Pisang.
Bananas are one of the healthiest fruit in the world, and I really am
beginning to love it. I used to hate it cause i thought it tasted funny..
slimy and eew..LOL.. but after realizing its benefits, I'm all out for it.
Bananas are healthy, lowest cholesterol & lowest fats fruit. It helps revives and
rejuvenates the complexion, assists in constipation problems, gives you energy and
the best of all, helps you loose weight. Hehehe..well, food/things that can give me a pretty face and nice body definately has my support. I know, i'm super vain..aand i can't help it. It's in my blood. Plus it's kindda frustrating being constipated most of the time.
So people, do eat more bananas..♥ it and it'll ♥ you.
There's nothing to loose eating and ♥ bananas cause it's super duper good for us.
"which banana am i talking about." LoL..
However, i'm talking about the real banana and not the one sticking in between
the two balls of man which hangs heavily/lightly between their legs, I'm no nympho
to be loving that banana..hehe..
I ♥ Bananas
and i'm talking about THE REAL BANANA FRUIT, a.k.a Pisang.
Bananas are one of the healthiest fruit in the world, and I really am
beginning to love it. I used to hate it cause i thought it tasted funny..
slimy and eew..LOL.. but after realizing its benefits, I'm all out for it.
Bananas are healthy, lowest cholesterol & lowest fats fruit. It helps revives and
rejuvenates the complexion, assists in constipation problems, gives you energy and
the best of all, helps you loose weight. Hehehe..well, food/things that can give me a pretty face and nice body definately has my support. I know, i'm super vain..aand i can't help it. It's in my blood. Plus it's kindda frustrating being constipated most of the time.
So people, do eat more bananas..♥ it and it'll ♥ you.
There's nothing to loose eating and ♥ bananas cause it's super duper good for us.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Determine to eliminate all dramas,
What do i do?
Hang out with friends.
And what/whom do we speak of..hehe=p
Was out with kenneth, vincent and christie..
Basically, we were talking about so much..
First thing we talked about was my lil'll sister..
Well..to live up to my new years resolution..
It's true..i gotta learn how to let go and be there whenever she needs..
And i'm sure gonna do my best to make sure it happens, sometimes you gotta hit ur head hard enough to realize what's good for you and as much as i wanna prevent that from happening, somethings are outta my hands. Well..i hope she knows what she's doing and I sure hope she won't hit herself too hard..
Then we moved on to spooky stories and NS..Oh NS..how much u've hurted me!LoL..
I hope Malaysia would not choose girls...especially... to go for NS untill they've become advanced..*probably never.* I mean having contractors walk in and out of the toilet is definitely not a situation a girl wants to be in..plus being diagnosed wrongly..and seeing people get spooked out..NO WAY HOSE..but...one thing i learnt from there is, it made me a stronger person. No miss.taufoo to me!
I told them that i went to Cheras Hospital once upon a time ago..It was a silly thing to do. Real Silly.And there was once I wanted to go to some cemetery. Thanks to God/Jesus. He must have blinded my way for awhile cause i ended up in Genting. Well, God works in mysterious ways and whatever he does is for our own good. Thanks be to God.
Hmmm...hair, fashion, swollen face, college and someone..hahaha..Hilarious little topic..but i'm not gonna mention it here because i'm supposed to stay outta trouble. You'll never know if that little "birdie" may just fly to my blog. All in all, We had fun cocking and no we did not bad mouthed anyone..I'm just glad we're not hanging out anymore. Perfect. So there's another drama out of my life cause I no longer have to play damsel in distress and also give my friends the "please help me" look when birdie's nearby.
So today, another boring ol' day but a happy one!
What do i do?
Hang out with friends.
And what/whom do we speak of..hehe=p
Was out with kenneth, vincent and christie..
Basically, we were talking about so much..
First thing we talked about was my lil'll sister..
Well..to live up to my new years resolution..
It's true..i gotta learn how to let go and be there whenever she needs..
And i'm sure gonna do my best to make sure it happens, sometimes you gotta hit ur head hard enough to realize what's good for you and as much as i wanna prevent that from happening, somethings are outta my hands. Well..i hope she knows what she's doing and I sure hope she won't hit herself too hard..
Then we moved on to spooky stories and NS..Oh NS..how much u've hurted me!LoL..
I hope Malaysia would not choose girls...especially... to go for NS untill they've become advanced..*probably never.* I mean having contractors walk in and out of the toilet is definitely not a situation a girl wants to be in..plus being diagnosed wrongly..and seeing people get spooked out..NO WAY HOSE..but...one thing i learnt from there is, it made me a stronger person. No miss.taufoo to me!
I told them that i went to Cheras Hospital once upon a time ago..It was a silly thing to do. Real Silly.And there was once I wanted to go to some cemetery. Thanks to God/Jesus. He must have blinded my way for awhile cause i ended up in Genting. Well, God works in mysterious ways and whatever he does is for our own good. Thanks be to God.
Hmmm...hair, fashion, swollen face, college and someone..hahaha..Hilarious little topic..but i'm not gonna mention it here because i'm supposed to stay outta trouble. You'll never know if that little "birdie" may just fly to my blog. All in all, We had fun cocking and no we did not bad mouthed anyone..I'm just glad we're not hanging out anymore. Perfect. So there's another drama out of my life cause I no longer have to play damsel in distress and also give my friends the "please help me" look when birdie's nearby.
So today, another boring ol' day but a happy one!
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