One who tries too hard to be a man,
And the other who tries too hard not trying at all..
Boys are those of great dilemma,
They find women complicated not knowing we want the simplest things,
They trouble themselves to understand women when the answers are right in front,
Boys are those with no head to think,
They try to pick up a girl with cheesy lines that's posted all over the internet,
Only because they are too dumb to get new ideas,
Boys are those who can't separate priorities from interest,
As they do as they like not knowing the consequences,
Boys are quitters that's why they will never succeed.
Men on the other hand,
Don't have to try at all or even try not to try,
Because they have it all,
They understand women like they're a book or something,
They don't go through the trouble because the answers are right
in front of their faces,
Men think with their heads,
That's why they can handle the fiercest woman,
Men on the other hand don't need cheesy lines,
Because they know where to touch a woman's heart,
For some girls,
All they have to do is flash those credit cards, a BMW or maybe jingle a diamond bracelet or a necklace or something. That's definitely not forever.
For others,
They'd have to dig their heart out,
Prove through rain or sun..bla bla bla..
Maybe there's forever there.
So These are what separate men from boys,
But one thing that brings them together,
Well almost all of them are of same spots,
And clearly a leopard never changes it's spots,
It's their ****.
Men and boys think that IT can think,
Not knowing the only brain in our body is up there in our head,
When IT awakes,
That's it!
It doesn't matter how much love, hardship or crap,
It all ends up the same.
Pleasure then worry.
There you go,
Men and boys are different in every way,
Every way except one.
And that ONE makes them seem all the same.
I may sound like a feminist..
But I'm just stating the truth..
And this post does not in anyways
mean that girls are angels.

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