Daddy is like Super Man to me..
He was the first "prince" in my life when I was 8 years old..
I tied my blanky and bed sheets from my balcony..miscalculated and
was stuck half way..Daddy came to the rescue and all he had to say..
"Jump down..Daddy's your prince.."
I grew into a young lady..
We were distant..we never spoke..
You made an open my heart and apologize for the mistakes
you've once made..I opened my arms and let you in again as "daddy"..
Somehow..even as a kid..I never wanted to be like you..and as a teenager
I would barf at the thought of being like you..
But then it hit me..
A day before CNY..and to top it up with the thought of the day..
There it was..the perfect "I know what I want.." It was like the perfect freshly made pancake topped with butter and maple syrup oozing down..I wanna be like Daddy..
I never thought I would say this..and never crossed my mind..But then I realized..I am pretty much like you..and I want to be like YOU.
I never told you this before..
But you make me proud.
You're a man who fell and stood up..
Who gave us three everything we ever wanted..
You understood us,
A friend to us rather than a parent..
I could tell you about everything..well at least almost..
You make me proud.
And daddy..If only you knew..
Though I won't tell you just yet..
Because I want you to see it to believe..How much you've inspired me..
I know it ain't easy..but I know it ain't hard..
Just like you...
Nothing's impossible for you..
I wanna be just like you.