this man should be given a lesson..He's hell lucky he wasn't born a Dog..
I mean..honestly..Dog are living things too!They can feel...Grrr..
I wish this man get's his lesson..I guess people in China really don't have a
thing for animals..reminds me of a crazy ass bitch piercing her high heels through a kittens eye balls and crushing it's brains out..I'm just gonna put a tiny picture..unclear..cos i duwanna make anyone barf..but seriously..this people need to be taught a lesson..!GRRRRR....

I Super hate cats..but...STILL...Where the hell are these people's heart!

The dog's already lying on the floor!This man has no compassion at all..
This F***** a**HOLE and The Heartless B**** with the face of a whore deserve each other..May they both rot in hell!Amen!
Picture courtesy of
Dog towed by motorcyclist
This photo uploaded by a neitzen shows a motorcyclist dragging a chained dog behind his wheels
This photo uploaded by a neitzen shows a motorcyclist dragging a chained dog behind his wheels
A photo of a motorcyclist towing a chained dog that was uploaded to the Internet has sparked off public outrage in China.
The photo, put up by a netizen surnamed Liu on Thursday, showed a man riding on a motorcycle on a highway in Fuzhou.
And a dog, which has a metal chain coiled around its neck, was being dragged along the road by the motorcyclist.
"I wound down my car window and asked the man to stop. However, he sped up and zoomed away," Liu told the Straits Newspaper, a metropolitan daily paper in the capital of China's Fujian province.
"The dog couldn't bark due to the chains around its neck, and its four legs were bleeding," Liu said.
"The motorcyclist was riding at about 50 km per hour at the time."
Some netizens left messages at - a popular online bulletin board - to rebuke the man's brutality.
Some doubted that the man was a dog thief. Other furious netizens demanded a search for the man.
- China Daily
Published Feb 22 2010
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