for that bucket of sweets, it takes a lot of
courage to empty that bucket of shit...
Life's not that simple,
You don't just want something and get it..
Sorry...even if you're a millionaire..There are
somethings money can't buy (eg; getting a chick to love
you instead of your stash of greens)
Digging through that bucket of disturbing crap is
kindda..oh times it makes you want to give up..
till you see that very first colored candy.
Life's a bucket of shit..but if you dig hard enough..You'll reach
the candy..Yes, the candy may be covered in crap..but here's the story..
At the end of the day..that shit-covered-candy-wrapper may have crap all over it.. the wrapper, and you've got yourself a yummylicious candy..That crap you
dug through is just to remind you.."you've came a long way.."
The earlier months of the year has been pretty crappy..
But not till now....Something's been going pretty well..Let's
have a re-cap:
1. 4.0 CGPA for my Senior and Special Project
2. Awesome new friends: Vincent, Sheila, Iylia, Cherrie & Eshia
3. Awesome loyal friends: Avril, Wai Nee, Christopher
4. I'm an official Graduate!!!
5. FHM; GND Contestant No.01
6. I stood up for myself! =)
7. Started off doing copy writing (which is awesome although it's temporary)
8. Have been learning a lot from people I've met.
9. A new and adorable baby cousin!
10. And Last but not least..I've found A Best Friend, A Lover, A Teacher, A Man..Someone I would call the person I LOVE...

Some of the happy moments so far:

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