Seriously..I doubt i'll ever go back there again..
Traffic there is like suicide..everything is dirty..and
even the bottled water is not clean..=_='
Safety is of their last priority I think..=/
Going there though became an eye opener for me..I now realize how
lucky I am..I mean this is a super under developed country where the wire
poles hangs down in a bunch and the poles go all crooked.. Beggars everywhere
and people there look very stressed can see fine lines on their faces..
We went to the war museum..and saw things that I never would've imagined..
I mean I know the picture of war is never beautiful..but this was far more than
I imagined..I picture the battle of humans killing humans to be stabbing..gun shots
and beheading..but this was different..You could find pictures of the soldiers proudly holding the head of a man whose body has been de-boned..and to mention you can see poor helpless people watch as their young child of only a few years gets disemboweled..*sighs* There were even two deformed fetus of a full grown baby who died..apparently the fetus was a present from uncle orange by Americans..*sighs* The army can really fuck up your mind at times...=(
We visited a lot of places..even the presidents house.. something spooky overwhelmed me and left shivers down my spine when I was in the under tunnel..I don't know why and I'm not the only one who said it but there was the smell of blood..It kindda freak me out..especially this passage way...It was spooky and it made me run..=/ the feeling is unexplainable..
Vietnam became an eye opener for me to the leftovers of war..I mean..poor Vietnam..*sighs* but what can't kill you only makes you stronger..I won't say I didn't have fun there..There were times I did..but it was a great eye opener for me and somehow..I thank god for the life he has given me.
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