Cruel is a word too mild to use on humans brutality...God made humans with brains
so that we can have the wisdom to make earth a better place to live that we can
leave that there may be a path for our future generation to walk in..but the brutality of man kind has turned everything upside down..God's gift of wisdom and feelings have been misused yet again..*sighs*

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There is a new poison called Strychnine poison..where inhuman men shoots the dogs with this first the dogs runs away..but in about 10 minutes..their muscles hardens and they start limping with 2 legs..and before you know it..they stop..fall to the ground and gasp for air..for about...heads up...2 to 3hours...and die. The liquid paralyzes them and all they can do is watch as their killers kill their friends and they suffer a scrutinizing pain while their organs fail on them..bit by bit..the pain so intense but all they can do is lie on their stomachs and weep in their hearts...
What these beasts forget is animals have feelings too..they're living things..and even if the population of dogs which causes rabies is out of hand..they could consider giving these dogs a fast death..can't they see for themselves..what if it was them?Is humanity too blinded by selfishness? God created humans for a reason to make this world a better place..seems like humans are taking these out of context..the road to righteousness has been blinded by men's selfishness..greed and gluttony..I'm no saint..but I still have a heart.

Would you have the heart to torture such beautiful creation of mankind?
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