Everything just goes your way on a particular day..
Everything just falls into place and you get everything
you want?And suddenly,just only after a few hours..
Everything is taken back from you..Pulled me like a ton
of bricks..You loose everything you want at this moment..
That's what happened to me today..
I don't know if it's a good thing or bad thing to not be
part of the cabin crew life..well yeah..I did everything I could
to get in..I did..and everything was good..AND...I failed my medical..
Perfect ain't it..to make matters worse..I turned down a job because
of AA and..I have issues with my senior project and have to decide if I
should kill myself or two others..Fucked up ain't it?I'm not the kind that
believes in the dog eat dog world..yeah..so..that's not one hell of a + point
for me..
Well..I don't know what to do..or what to say..or at this point..how to
react to all this drama..staying at home is suffocating me right now because
I can't cry and talk about it because in the first place..mom and dad never agreed
for me to be a part of the flying life.
Well..A bad week..Yes..but that's not stopping me from looking forward..life has
its ups and downs..and there's no time to waste dwelling on the pain.
~Don't cry when it rains, but smile because it takes the rain away then you'll be seeing rainbows ahead of you.~

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