Friday, July 2, 2010

Do not cross THIS LINE!

Religion is a very sensitive topic even up to now..
Different religions have different ways of teaching but,
they have only one vision: to instill good moral values into an individual.

However, many people take religion out of context and try to convert every
one they see on the's good to be religious..but not an extremist.
It's because of these few rotten apples that people stay away from religion..

We will never know which religion came first..whether it's the Catholic, Buddhism,
Hinduism, Islam or Jewish..dan lain lain..WE WILL NEVER KNOW OK? So we should all pray the way we're comfortable with..or for those who don't believe in God can just ignore the whole God thing. Just do whatever you like as long as you do not hurt others.=)

I believe in God, and I'm a Catholic. I pray my way and you pray yours, I won't convert you so please leave me alone..stop condemning my God because it's a stubborn fool please do not stereotype me as "you all Christians like to covert everyone you see.." Use those eyes to see..because not everyone is the same. Thank you very much!

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