Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Bucket of Sweets Vs. The Bucket of Shit~in simple mathematics.

The imperfections in life makes life seem like a bucket of shit..
Life's a never ending drama..It comes, it hits you and it leaves you
broken..again you stand up and it comes hitting you again till there's
no way out..but yet you stand up, crippled..broken and at the end of the day
all you're left with is you, yourself and that big bucket of shit.

We are so caught up with that stench, the miserable little smell, that every little step closer we take to the bucket of sweets, we're turned off by the big bucket of shit..and what's left in our never the sweetness of the candy..but rather the stench of shit..silly, ain't we all?

we are so caught with the imperfections of life,
but all we have to do is look back at those tracks,
and skip all the bumpy roads,
acceptance is one thing,
believing is another,
seeing yourself from the eyes of an angel,
from the eyes of an innocent child,
Here's a choice,
to walk those crippled legs and put your head up high,
or to never lift that crippled leg, and never know what's it like..
If shit is going to stop you, then how will you ever know what sweets taste like?

It's easier said the done, and i'm taking my time because, I just want to make sure,
When I stand up..this more falling..i'm going to put my head up high.♥

Thank you my dear friend and thank you for foreseeing the future and writing track 5.. ♥♥♥

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