Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The prince with the golden heart.

There once lived a prince who had a golden heart but believed his heart was black.
He lived the life of a prince with women flocking around him. Naturally, as any man is, he decided to use their hearts just as they used him for comfort and security.

He didn't quite believe that there was any girl perfect for him, who believed in love than lust..

One day, he found a girl worthy of his love. Without hesitation, he gave his heart of gold to her. He went to extreme measures to do his best for her but at times, our best may not seem as good for others.

He deceived others which broke his heart but for his true love, everything was possible. He lied through those innocent eyes consciously knowing that his lies would break someone if they knew.

Sadly, the girl and him went their separate ways due to a clash of individuality. The prince was devastated as he took back his shattered heart. He resented the times when he deceived others knowing rationally that it would hurt good people.

However, what he failed to see was that mistakes arouses because of the purest thing called love.He loved that girl to the extend that he would rather break someone else than her.

Mistakes were made in his quest to protect his love. However, those mistakes made were out of unconditional sacrificial for love, which makes the prince, a prince with a golden heart.

Choosing a wrong turn to protect someone you love isn't wrong..because it came from a selfless heart.

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