Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Who needs to sell ice to an Eskimo..

There once lived a poor little orphaned,
She lived on her own since she was a little girl..
Desperate to fend for herself instead of begging on the cold streets,
An idea hit her...
She had a full supply of ice during the snowy weather..
Innocently, she thought why not start selling ice..
She picked up the ice, clean it, reboiled it and put it out in the freezing weather so that it will turn to ice. She went houses to houses selling ice to people, as usual, people slammed the door in her face, thinking she was an idiot..Demoralized, she turned away, went home and cried. Not only is she broke and hungry but she was broken emotionally and spiritually. As she held her head down, she walked away in tears. She slept in the cold weather with no fire to warm her. Suddenly, she realized, why sell ice when she can make something out of it. She then made ice cream toppled with juicy fruit syrup she had plucked. Business bloomed as she made more..and soon enough, she was a successful entrepreneur.

Moral: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. No one can pull you down but yourself.=)

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